Clinical Laboratory Sciences

Post-Graduate Categorical Certificate Program Specialist in Blood Banking

Distance Education

SBB programs have always been promoted for providing the student with theoretical and practical experience that cannot be obtained by "grandfathering" the SBB(ASCP) exam. The purpose of a WEB based SBB program is to provide the same experience but through distance technology. The student is not required to leave their present home and employment and move to Galveston. The student is responsible for obtaining clinical sites to obtain the necessary experience.


The student will need access to the internet. Please refer to the UTMB Information Services web page for hardware and software recommendations.

For clinical rotations, the student may use their place of employment or other blood banks/laboratories in the area where they live. A mentor with extensive background in blood bank is required to help guide the student in finding materials and clinical sites for rotations. The mentor should preferably be an SBB-certified technologist or Medical Director, but can be a supervisor or co-worker who is approved by the UTMB Program Director.

Faculty-Student Interaction

The student will have access with the Program Director/Education Coordinator via email, discussion board and as a last resort, the telephone. The Program Director/Education Coordinator will answer email within 24 hours Monday-Friday and as soon as possible at other times. Other faculty members will provide an alternative during times when the Program Director/Education Coordinator is not available.

Required Technical Skills and/or Competencies

The student must be proficient at ABO, Rh typing, antibody detection and identification, compatibility testing and typing for other blood group antigens. Experience with special serological techniques, such as elutions, adsorptions, cell separations and cell treatments, is desirable.

Progress and Certification Requirements

Students will be evaluated in each course throughout the SBB Certification and/or TRM-MS Programs. Grades will be determined by a combination of assignments, projects, clinical experience checklists and exams. Case studies, simulated samples and review of completed patient or student sample testing will be used to determine technical competence. An overall GPA of 3.0 must be maintained for successful completion of the program. In the event that a student fails to maintain a 3.0 GPA, a probationary status may be implemented or the student may choose to withdraw from a specific course and repeat the course at another time.

Academic Support

The mentor, Program Director/Education Coordinator and the program Medical Director will provide academic support. For any academic problems, the student will be advised as to the procedure and assistance will be provided as needed.

Additional Resources

Do you think you are the type of student that can learn through online instruction? The following link gives you information about Distance education: What Makes a Successful online student?

This is an excellent site with suggestions and quizzes to take to see if you are suitable for distance education. A book for first time online learning might also be helpful: E-Learning Companion: A Student's Guide to Online Success by Ryan Watkins, Michael Corry. So are you ready to apply? If so, complete the initial application process.

Site managed by the School of Health Professions • Last Updated: 02-MAY-2022