Rehabilitation outcomes and/or the relationship of personal attributes, clinical characteristics, or risk factors on health related and disability outcomes using large national databases or population-based surveys are investigated.
Post-acute Care and Rehabilitation Outcomes
Ongoing investigations examine hospital readmission for people receiving post-acute care services (inpatient rehabilitation, sub-acute rehabilitation in skilled nursing facilities, and care from home health agencies). Research
also examines the impact of healthcare reform on service delivery. The findings from these investigations will provide information useful in establishing quality indicators for post-acute care and the allocation of resources
for persons at high risk for rehospitalization. The results will also address priorities of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act by identifying strategies to reduce health care costs.
Hispanic Health
Hispanic health research uses a population-based perspective, in which the social and economic context and the behavior of individuals play a central role in the study of how health changes as people age. The Hispanic Established Populations Epidemiological Study of the Elderly (HEPESE) is the largest ongoing investigation in the U.S. of changes in functional status, disability, psychological
and behavioral outcomes in Mexican American older adults. This population-based national survey, continuously funded by the National Institute on Aging since 1993, estimates prevalence and incidence of health conditions and
disabilities related to mortality and change in health over time. More than 200 articles have been published using Hispanic EPESE data and many of these articles focus on disability related issues.
The Mexican Health and Aging Study (MHAS) started as a prospective panel study of health and aging in Mexico to examine the aging process and its disease
and the impact of social and environmental factors on health outcomes. Another study examines the long-term health outcomes, healthcare utilization, and life expectancy of Mexican American older adults with a focus on the impact
of frailty and disability.
Large Data and Data Sharing
In addition to the studies/datasets mentioned above, research and training opportunities are available through the Center for Large Data Research and Data Sharing in Rehabilitation (CLDR), an extension of the previously funded Center for Rehabilitation Research using Large Datasets. The CLDR continues to build
scientific capacity in large data research and has expanded to include an important focus on data sharing and archiving information from completed rehabilitation research studies. This new focus addresses recent federal requirements
for sharing information and data from research studies supported by government funding.