Executive Leadership and StaffOffice of the DeanSchool of Health ProfessionsUniversity of Texas Medical Branch301 University Blvd.Galveston, TX 77555-1028 O: SHP/SON 4.202P: 409-772-3001F: 409-747-1623E: shpdeansoffice@utmb.edu David A. Brown, PT, PhD, FAPTASenior Vice PresidentDean, School of Health Professionsdavibrow@utmb.eduWeb Biography Jackie GarciaBusiness Coordinatorjacqugar@utmb.edu Priscilla JuárezCommunications and Community Initiatives Managerpljuarez@utmb.edu Jessica RobertsonExecutive Assistant to the Deanjjrobert@utmb.edu Associate & Assistant Deans Christine Baker, EdD, PT, FAPTAAssociate Dean of Academic Affairscbaker@utmb.eduWeb Biography Dana Wild, PT, PhDAssociate Dean of Student Affairsdlwild@utmb.eduWeb Biography Carole A. Tucker, PT, PhDAssociate Dean for Research, School of Health ProfessionsChair and Professor, Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation SciencesDirector, Center for Health Promotion, Performance, and Rehabilitation Research (CHPPRR)Professor, Nutrition Sciences and Health Behaviorcartucke@utmb.eduWeb Biography Eddie Salazar, PhD, MLS(ASCP)cmAssociate Dean for Professional DevelopmentChair and Associate Professor of Instruction, Clinical Laboratory SciencesDCLS Program Director, Clinical Laboratory Sciencesjhsalaza@utmb.eduWeb Biography Laurie W. Farroni, DPT, PT, PCSAssistant Dean for Global Outreach & Community EngagementAssociate Professor of Instruction, Physical Therapyljwarrin@utmb.eduWeb Biography José D. Rojas, PhD, RRT, RPFT, FAARCAssistant Dean for Opportunity, Belonging, & EnrichmentAssociate Professor (Tenured), Respiratory Carejdrojas@utmb.eduWeb Biography Jyothi Gupta PhD, OTR/L, FAOTADirector of External Campus ProgramsTenured Professorjygupta@utmb.eduWeb Biography Academic Enterprise - Academic Service Group VII (AE – ASG VII SHP/SON/SPPH)For more information about the Academic Service Group VII (ASG VII) leadership and staff, please visit the AE – ASG VII SHP/SON/SPPH website. Quick LinksDean's Office HomeAcademic Service Group VIIIDean's MessageDirectoryLeadershipMission & VisionNewsletterSHP Emergency PlanSHP History SHP Strategic Plan